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By submitting this question, you agree that BCP Ltd. Has the right to store any personal information retaining to yourself or any minors in your legal custody that you have provided as part of this submission and that BCP Ltd. Has the right to share this data on it’s website ( or any other website owned by BCP Ltd or operated by BCP Ltd or by any of the BCP Ltd. Partners involved in the sales, distribution, marketing of Bebelan Products in the European Union or outside of European Union. You agree that the question that you are submitting and the subsequent answer provided by our external experts through the BCP Ltd. team will be shared on the website ( or any other website owned by BCP Ltd or operated by BCP Ltd or by any of the BCP Ltd. Partners involved in the sales, distribution, marketing of Bebelan Products in the European Union or outside of European Union.

By accepting these terms you are aware of and agree to the fact that any answer provided to your submitted question on the website is a personal opinion which is not the official view of BCP Ltd. This answer, or any other information provided on the website ( not and should not be regarded as a prescription, as a diagnosis or a description of the nature of disease or as an appointing of treatment. If you or your child have any health problems, it is recommended to consult a specialist physician before applying the advices stated on the website.

The Internet is not a secure or error-free environment, and BCP Ltd. does not accept liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of provided information on its website or from delayed, intercepted, corrupted or virus-infected communication or e-mail transmission.